Copyright (c) Christopher Makler /

The Edgeworth Box Framework

visibility controls

{{ params.personA }}'s perspective
{{ params.personB }}'s perspective
preferred to W

Utility Functions

u^A({{ notation.xLabel }},{{ notation.yLabel }}) = {{ model.utilityA.formula(true) }}

u^B({{ notation.xLabel }},{{ notation.yLabel }}) = {{ model.utilityB.formula(true) }}

Initial Endowment (W)

{{ notation.xGoodLabel }} {{ notation.yGoodLabel }} Utility MRS
\text{ {{ params.personA }} } {{ notation.xEndowLabel }}^A= {{ params.xA | number:0 }} {{ notation.yEndowLabel }}^A = {{ params.yA | number:0 }} {{ model.utilityA.utility(model.endowmentA) | number:0 }} {{ model.utilityA.mrs(model.endowmentA) | number:2 }}
\text{ {{ params.personB }} } {{ notation.xEndowLabel }}^B = {{ model.endowmentB.x | number:0 }} {{ notation.yEndowLabel }}^B = {{ model.endowmentB.y | number:0 }} {{ model.utilityB.utility(model.endowmentB) | number:0 }} {{ model.utilityB.mrs(model.endowmentB) | number:2 }}