Chapter 19
/ Labor Supply
19.5 Summary
Things you should know
- The labor supply model is an endowment model in which good 1 is leisure ($R$, measured in hours), good 2 is consumption ($C$, measured in dollars for), and the price ratio is the wage rate $w$.
- The endowment is $\overline R$ hours of leisure (usually 24) and $M$ dollars of nonwage income. This implies that the equation for budget line is: \(wR + C = w \overline R + M\)
- Labor supply curve: plots $L^*(w)$ in a diagram with $L$ on the horizontal axis and $w$ on the vertical axis; note that $L$ is the net supply of good 1, so this is just a net supply curve.
- Alternative framing that we didn’t get into: if consumption is measured in a “composite good” with a price level $p$, the slope of the budget line represents the real wage $w/p$ rather than the nominal wage $w$.
Things you should be able to do
- Represent an employment offer in leisure-consumption space
- Determine the equation for a budget line with a wage
- For any utility function, determine the optimal labor supply choice for any wage rate $w$ and nonwage income $M$
- Extend the model beyond the simple case, to include situations like overtime pay or “take it or leave it” employment contracts
Previous: Policy Implications
[ End of chapter ]