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Chapter 6 / Constrained Optimization when Calculus Doesn't Work

6.3 Kinked Constraints

Kinked constraints are incredibly important in economics. One simple reason they might arise is due to a change in technology.

For example, suppose Chuck can produce one fish per hour using a fishing pole, and one coconut per hour by climbing trees: \(x_1 = f_1(L_1) = L_1\) \(x_2 = f_2(L_2) = L_2\) Now suppose he crafts a net that will allow him to catch 2 fish per hour rather than 1. However, the net has a capacity of 80 fish; so if he wants to produce more than 80 fish, he needs to go back to his pole. If he wants to go over that amount — that is, if he spends 40 hours fishing with a net plus $(L_1 - 40)$ hours fishing with a pole — he will produce $80 + (L_1 - 40) = 40 + L_1$ fish: \(f_1(L_1) = \begin{cases}2L_1 & \text{ if }L_1 \le 40\\40 + L_1 & \text{ if }L_1 \ge 40\end{cases}\) In this case \(MP_{L1} = \begin{cases}2 & \text{ if }L_1 \le 40\\1 & \text{ if }L_1 \ge 40\end{cases}\) and since his $MP_{L2} = 1$, this means his MRT is \(MRT = \begin{cases}\frac{1}{2} & \text{ if }L_1 \le 40\\1 & \text{ if }L_1 \ge 40\end{cases}\) This results in a kinked budget constraint:

How does this MRT compare to his MRS? Well, to answer that, we have to consider the relationship between MRT and MRS at the kink point. Suppose his utility function is \(u(x_1, x_2) = x_1x_2\) so his MRS is \(MRS(x_1,x_2) = \frac{x_2}{x_1}\) At the kink point of (80,60), therefore, his MRS would be \(MRS(80,60) = \frac{60}{80} = \frac{3}{4}\) In other words, he would be approximately indifferent between 3 coconuts and 4 fish at the point (80, 60). How does this compare with his MRT?

Since $MRS > MRT$ to the left of the kink, and $MRS < MRT$ to the right of the kink, his optimal point is the kink. If we plot MRS vs MRT along the PPF as usual, we can see how the discontinuity in the MRT results in this behavior:

Now, it’s not always the case that a kink is the optimal point! Suppose Chuck found a second net, so he could catch up to 160 fish in his nets using 80 hours of his labor. In that case his problem would look like the following graph, and the optimal point would involve spending exactly half of his labor producing fish and half producing coconuts:

In this case, Chuck’s MRS at the kink point is $20/160 = 0.125$; since this is less than his MRT of 0.5 to the left of the kink, this means Chuck wants to move to the left from the kink point, and the optimal solution is characterized by the tangency condition at (100, 50).

Previous: Kinked Indifference Curves
Next: Conditions for Calculus to Work
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